Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Bonbon the Space Kitty by Gabrielle Wobrock

I seen this story that was really interesting and was featured in the New York Times. It was about how cats were adapted to certain situations: like cats going up into space. It was all about this cat called Bonbon and how he was selected by this company that deals with all kinds of animals and puts them into different scenarios. Anyway Bonbon was selected from 100 different Coon cats to go through space training at Cape Canaveral. He was put into this machine that spun him upside down, front, back, right, and left. This went on for about a half an hour before the tech guy told them that was enough. Bonbon got off and was really dizzy then he threw up on the man’s shoes. After several more tests, Bonbon was ready to go up into space, he even had a copilot named Mr. Jingles who was a light colored tabby with green eyes. Their mission was to find out what was on the dark side of the moon and possibly collect samples. Upon reaching their destination, Bonbon told Mr. Jingles to suit up and they both went out together. When you put two cats in space on the moon together they will have a blast jumping from cliff to cliff. After spending about two hours playing and collecting samples they returned to the ship where each of them had their own bowl of cream waiting for them. Soon after they finished the cream, Mr. Jingles took the controls and they headed back to Earth. When they returned home all the cats in the state were there to greet them and hail them as heros.

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