Saturday, April 13, 2019

Leaving by Angela Maggioncalda

There is no way that adequately expresses the pain and anxiety I feel.

It’s been a long time. We’ve done so much. I truly thought this would never end.

Yet here I am. Trying to tell you through a cracking throat we need to move on. That I will not be your girlfriend.

You have dreams. You will renovate and innovate. You will invest and make progress.

I have projects. I will work in a school. I will impact lives daily.

We need to reach for our goals. To find ourselves. To move forward.

You will not be an ex to me. That is not a description of you. You are more than an ex.

You are extraordinarily kind and patient, exceptional in the dreams you wish to achieve, and extra in your storytelling.

I will not forget you. You were part of my story. But now we are both moving onto a new chapter.

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Dorothy Parker once said, "I hate writing. I love having written." For many writers, this is a familiar feeling. Writing is hard....